I suffer from depression, anxiety and a mild form of temporal-lobe epilepsy. This isn’t a cry for help. It’s just to explain some back story on where the idea for my initial book came from.
It just means my brain misfires and, has a strange way of behaving so one Saturday morning during lockdown, I was up early and awake and wanted to put the words in my head onto paper. Well, onto screen. And Poems From a Depressed Mind was born.
The poems are thought provoking, funny, absolute nonsense, or whatever you want to take from them. I hoped it would appeal to fellow sufferers and families of; and can either resonate with, or learn from what goes on in a misfiring mind!
This lead to me forming Pretty Pug Publishing during the Covid Years.
Mainly to have a place to self-publish my books but I ended up helping to help 9 or 10 other authors get there books out there too.
It was always more of a labour of love than a money making venture and needs must meant I had to return to work to pay the bills, and the short-lived publishing dream came to an end...
... until now!
The writing and poetry 'bug' has never left and the world is now my banana, or oyster, or whatever!
I plan to re-publish my children's books, write more, enter competitions and try and get my name out there.
Watch this space.
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